Keynote Speaking

Jacaranda’s Managing Director, and staunch sustainability activist, Lars Böcking, delivered a rousing keynote speech at the The Schmidt Family Foundation’s 2017 CONNECT Conference in San Fransisco.

In partnership with 11th Hour Racing, Lars spoke about the collaborative journey that we have been on as an agency, to make sports events more sustainable and how we are setting an example for other events, as well as for the next generation.


To share our experience with the world.

Strategic Objectives

To encourage others to take action, within a collaborative environment.

Building Blocks

A close relationship with sustainability partners, 11th Hour Racing

A credible story

Deep knowledge of how to make events more sustainable

Grit, determination and know-how

Winning Moves

Preparation, and delivery of a keynote speech

Interaction and networking with other key figures from the world of sustainability